Monday 22 May 2017

A knock to the bump...

As a mum-to-be I have learnt a lot about pregnancy from asking everyone's trusted friend- Google. The majority of the time I have ended up more anxious than when I started, what I have learnt is that if you are really worried call the midwife or maternity triage. The midwife helpline is only open at certain times during weekdays here in London but triage is open 24/7 and have always been amazing and very fast in their response to the many issues we've had in this pregnancy.

The top line shows foetal heart rate and
the third line that looks like a bar code is nugget kicking.
One such issue was getting a knock to my bump yesterday. It was one of those weird accidents. It was 20 mins later and I still hadn't felt the little nugget move so we called up triage and they asked us to come in. It was pretty much straight into a cubicle and having a monitor put on. They found nuggets heart beat within seconds and also put another monitor on to see how much he moved. As soon as the monitor went on he wasn't having any of it and pretty much spent 30mins trying to kick and punch the monitors off. I sat there wondering if this meant that my son was going to either be really unsociable or could possibly have serious hyperactivity issues... Needless to say we felt very reassured that he was okay and surprised at how much he moved.

Commando dad... training taking place!
Now that we are 29 and a half weeks(!!!) and feeling him moving around so much (when he feels like it) I have been wondering about pregnancy and baby books. I had bought a book for nuggets daddy when I told him we were expecting. I was always in two minds about buying any books because of what happened at our 20 week scan but now it is becoming a reality that he might be with us soon... I'm starting to wonder about breastfeeding, sleeping and what is normal. I do have an amazing sister who got me a really informative book which answered questions I hadn't even thought of yet.

We found the online version:

These NHS books definitely will be keeping us busy whilst slowly trying to get more active from all this bed rest. One thing that I did notice about the books is that neither mentioned anything about cervical incompetence, even in the 'problems during pregnancy' section which includes minor and more serious problems. I was a bit disappointed with this considering how informative I am finding the books but from what I have seen so far I would definitely recommend them.

Saturday 13 May 2017

28 weeks!

The most amazing man I know x
So I didn't think we would get anywhere near 28 weeks just two months ago but we did it! It has actually been pretty smooth sailing after the first couple of weeks... not counting the emotional roller coaster. I have been so lucky to be in this position mainly because my workplace is amazing letting me do some work at home whilst being on bed rest and my amazing family around me.

So on Wednesday I had another antenatal appointment to check on my progress and that everything was okay. The doctor was amazing! I did go in with a list of questions as it had been a few weeks between appointments now and he answered all of them... in detail! It's pretty nice to have a doctor who is so helpful.

One of my main worries was whether I was meant to be having cyclogest twice a day as I have been since my cervical stitch (and where it has been written on all of my prescription boxes) or if I am meant to take it only once a day (which it now said on my latest prescription box and on other online resources!). I am at the point now where the doctor says that there isn't much evidence that it can prevent preterm labour, after the 28 week mark.
Cyclogest... what has been helping keep the nugget in! Bump at 24 weeks.

Progesterone has been shown to prevent uterine contractions and the softening/ shortening of the cervix (Dovepress). I definitely wasn't comfortable dropping down from two tablets to one a day especially as I know a dip in hormones can have a cascading effect. Even with little evidence that it has much effect, I am yet to find an journal with these details, but the doctor is happier with me continuing with two tablets a day.

I have had some new symptoms though which includes Braxton Hicks! At first I had no idea what was going on. I always imagined them more as very clear contractions and not my tummy going rock hard... and I mean rock hard- I feel like I could crush walnuts on my stomach. I seem to be getting them every few days now but the doctor isn't too worried about that as long as I don't have any bleeding, lose of water or find them painful.

We have pretty good chances now, babies born between 28-31 weeks have a 90-95% survival rate (Premature birth statistics). There are still no guarantees but I feel like I can breath a bit more easily now and actually get ready for my little man. He should hopefully weigh over 2.5lbs now, he has his quiet days where I feel like he's putting all of his energy into growing before having a break and a stretch, kick and punch on alternating days.
Weight gained every week in grams

Babies that are born smaller than 3lbs 4oz still have a higher risk of serious medical complications and disabilities (The Baby Centre). So I guess the focus now is to make sure he's growing, I did find a website where I decided to put the information into graph form of how much weight a baby does put on per gestational week. So our next aim is 30 weeks which will hopefully take us over the 3lb mark if everything goes well.

My cervical length will be checked on Monday but I am feeling pretty good in myself. I don't feel like my cervix has shortened, it's almost like little nugget is moving up my tummy and not down. He has the odd day where he likes punching my cervix but I am feeling pretty good at the moment! So good my partner has persuaded me to go see the new Alien today!