Tuesday 11 July 2017

Two more days until the stitch is out!

Surprisingly the past few weeks have gone past so quickly! Tomorrow I have one last scan before they take the stitch out on Thursday. I have to say I am REALLY looking forward to having the stitch out. The first three months (20 to 32 weeks) of bed rest was full of paranoia and OCD on hygiene. Once we were sure that our little nugget was going to be okay and I started to move around more- that was when more frustrating mobility problems started.

So my last post detailed one of our visits to triage and how the doctor believed the baby was pressing on the stitch causing the pain I was experiencing. I was also sent to physio as I was struggling to roll over in bed and my lower back/hips kept frequently clicking. If you're stuck lying down and then not being able to roll over... I'm quite surprised I haven't slowly gone crazy. Turns out my hips aren't aligned possibly due to extensive bed rest and the baby preferring to hang out on one side of my bump. Topped off with my EDS it makes everything that bit more difficult.

Venturing outside I did feel like I had actually turned into a vampire and might combust in the sun. It felt amazing getting out of the house but as I've gotten bigger and my pelvic pain has increased walking is getting to be pretty much a very difficult struggle similar to Frodo climbing Mount Doom. Not that I'm comparing the one ring to rule them all to a cervical stitch haha! I feel more like I may be turning into a very grouchy elephant with the occasional contraction I'm surprised my partner is still being so nice to me. The constant supply of ice cream keeps him in my good books.

So what's it like being 36 weeks pregnant with EDS and a cervical stitch? I pretty much sleep all the time- after eating/ sitting on the sofa/ mid-conversation... moderate to severe pelvic pain which means I may walk as slow as very fat turtle with no land-legs... cervical pain where the doctors are reluctant to let you have anything more than 4 paracetamol- believe me I tried to get something stronger and none of that pregnancy glow malarkey with this face. BUT my little man is a strong little fighter and I have to hold back tears as I watch him move his long legs to his daddy's voice.

There are a number of bets at the moment with how much they think nugget is going to weigh considering my bump has very random growth spurts which keeps me and the doctors on edge. I am also wondering how long after the stitch is out that this little man is going to make his grand appearance! It is always fun asking the doctors what they think, we have estimates from 2 days to possibly going overdue. So you can imagine my face when they say overdue...

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